
セキュリティ情報、迷惑メール、フィッシング詐欺、Windows の小ネタを書いているブログです (*^ー^)ノ


Flash Playerリリース バグ修正で脆弱性セキュリティ更新なし
イメージ 1旧バージョンがWindowsパソコンのウイルス感染経路として悪用されまくってる無料ブラウザアドオン Adobe Flash Player の最新バージョンがリリース!
定例外の緊急セキュリティアップデートかと思ったらそうではなく、「important bug fix that was affecting a subset of Flash gaming content」ってことでFlashゲーム関連に影響するバグの修正だそう。
3/23/2016 - Release - Flash Player 21 | Adobe Community
あと、Windows 8/10上の Internet Explorer & Microsoft Edge ブラウザ向け Flash Player の更新なし。

[3月26日 追記...]
Malware don't need Coffee: CVE-2016-1001 (Flash up to and Exploit Kits
■ kiemtra_pagsubokさんはTwitterを使っています: "FirefoxのFlashを21.0.0.182に更新してからニコ生でコメントしようとすると日本語変換候補が画面左上に別窓で出て使いにくい MS-IMEもATOKも同じ現象 とりあえず拡張サポート版の18.0.0.333入れたら直った(セキュリティアップデートは最新)"
Flash Player バージョン20系へのダウングレードは地雷!

Java 8 Update 77リリース 脆弱性セキュリティ修正でウイルス対策更新
悪用される頻度は最近減ったけど、数年前までWindowsパソコンのウイルス感染経路として旧バージョンが悪用されまくってたフリーソフト Java(JRE) の最新版がリリース♪
Version 8 Update 77
1件の深刻な脆弱性(CVE-2016-0636)に対処するセキュリティアップデートということで、ウイルス対策として Java が導入されてるなら最新版への更新重要! <Java はパソコン購入時点で導入済みの場合アリ!
インストーラ起動後に、まったく不必要な Amazonアシスタント の同時導入提案が表示される場合があるので、書いてある文章を読むことなく何も考えないでテキト~に右下ボタン(=同意)をポンポン連打しませぬよう…。
イメージ 1
ユーザーに確認を求める画面「予備のオファー: Amazonアシスタント」

開いたらウイルス感染の英語迷惑メール100例 対策3つで被害防ぐ


添付ファイルがあって、英語で書かれた 迷惑メール(スパムメール) が無差別にバラ撒かれてます。

巷では 「怪しいメールを開くな!」 というフレーズを目にするけれど、Q&AサイトのYahoo!知恵袋には次のような素の質問が次々と投稿されています。

  • このEメールはいったい何?

  • このEメールにどう対応すればいい?

  • 英語の意味が分からない。文章を日本語に翻訳してください。

怪しいメールを開くな!」 という以前に、他人に聞いて判断を仰がないとEメールが怪しいどうかを見抜くことができず、右往左往するユーザーさんが出現するのが現実のようです。


ウイルスメール の典型的な攻撃手口は、添付ファイルの確認を誘うパターンでしょう。


  • 金銭の支払い請求書

  • 荷物の配達通知

  • コピー複合機や FAX のデータ受信



【.zip .rar の圧縮アーカイブ内】
実行ファイル … 拡張子 .exe .scr
スクリプトファイル … 拡張子 .js .jse .vbs .wsf

【Microsoft Office ファイル】
Word ファイル … 拡張子 .doc .docm .docx
Excel ファイル … 拡張子 .xls .xlsm



ウイルスメールの主要な感染ターゲットは Windows パソコン なので、次の環境では動作しないファイルは影響しません。

Windows XP/7/8/10
 Android スマホ
 iOS (iPhone / iPad)

これら脅威となる Windows 向けの不正なファイルを無力化する 無料ウイルス対策 を紹介しましょう。

  1. ウイルス対策で拡張子js/jse/wsf/vbsファイル無害化

  2. マクロウイルス対策で感染防ぐ迷惑メール拡張子doc/xls

  3. ファイアウォールの設定でウイルス感染防ぐ

ウイルスメール件名と本文 100例

手元で受信した英語の ウイルスメール の内容を紹介します。

Invoice #[数字] / Invoice #CS-[数字] / Invoice / Invoice Copy / Transaction and Payment Confirmation
Dear Customer
{Please review the attached copy of your Electronic document.}
{The attached document is a transaction payment confirmation from GlobalMarketing Ltd.}
{Your invoice appears below. Please remit payment at your earliest convenience.}
{Please make sure you send payment for your parcel to avoid any inconvenience. Open the attached file to review the confirmation listing.}
Thank you for your business - we appreciate it very much
件名 Your order #[数字] - Corresponding Invoice #[英数字]
Dear Valued Customer,
We are pleased to inform you that your order #[数字] has been processed and ready to be dispatched. However, according to our records, above mentioned invoice is still unpaid
Invoice #[数字] from DataCorp Inc.
Dear Customer,
Reference nr. [数字]-[数字]
Our internal records show that you have an outstanding balance dating on youraccount. Previous invoice was for $[数字] and have yet to receive your payment
Reference Number #[数字], Last Payment Notice
Dear Client,
This e-mail is pursuant to your contract with Foreman&Clark Ltd. for ourservices date November 15, 2015 for the amount of $[数字]
Payment Request, Ref. nr: [数字]/2015
Dear Valued Client,
The purpose of this e-mail is to follow up with you on a matter of your payment of invoice #[英数字] with a Ref. nr: [数字]/2015.
Payment Nr: [数字]/[英数字] / Invoice #[数字]/[英数字] / FW: Payment Declined PIN-[数字]
Dear Client,
Our finance department has processed your payment, unfortunately it has been declined
Agri Basics invoice #[数字] and [数字] / FW: Invoice
Please find attached invoice #[数字].
Have a nice day
Your order #[数字]
Dear ValuedCustomer,
This letter was sent to you as a formal notice that you are obligated to repayour company the sum of [数字]$ which was advanced to you from our company onOctober 16, 2015
Reference Number #[数字], Last Payment Notice
Dear Customer,
We regret to inform you that due to your unpaid debt amount of $[数字] to SandorInc., from November 31, 2015 we have passed your case to the court
Your account has a debt and is past due
Dear Customer,
Our records show that your account has a debt of $[数字].{rand(10,99)}}. Previous attempts of collecting this sum have failed
Required your attention 
Dear Partner,
As per your request, we have made special prices for you, which leave us only avery small margin
Invoice [数字] / FW: Invoice Copy
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please review the attached copy of your Invoice (number: IN[数字]) for an amount of $[数字]
Invoice #[数字]/15
Dear costumer,
You are receiving this informational letter because of the fact that you have a debt totaling $[数字] due to late payment of invoices dating March 15
Delay with Your Order #[英数字], Invoice #[数字]
Dear Valued Customer,
It is very unpleasant to hear about the delay with your order #[英数字], but be sure that our department will do its best to resolve the problem
Unpaid invoice # [数字] / Fw:Unpaid invoice # [数字]
Dear Client,
According to the reconciliation of the Department of Finance there are the arrears following your client account totaling in $[数字],[数字] .
We attach the last unpaid invoice #[数字] to this letter and kindly ask you pay it off until [月] [日], 2016.
Please check out the file and do not hesitate to pay off the debt. We look forward to your reasonableness.
Package # [数字]
Dear Client,
Your replacement package was shipped 5 days ago and is now being transferred to your local post office
Order reference # [数字]
Dear Customer,
We apologize for the troubles with your parcel # [数字] and can assure you that this mistake will not be happening again
Order Delay - Package Ref. [数字]
Respected Customer,
The delay of your parcel ref. # [数字] cannot be controlled due to the unstable weather conditions in our region.
件名 Invoice, Ref. [数字]
Dear Valued Customer,
We are very grateful for your purchase. The specified sum of $[数字] was paid and now your order is being processed by our company.
Shipping Information - Your Order #[数字]-[数字]
Dear Customer,
Your order will be shipped shortly, we apologize for the troubles. Please, review the invoice in the attached file
Compensation - Reference Number #[数字]
Dear Customer,
The mistake made will be compensated promptly, please do not worry.
Please take a look at the file attached (scanned document) as it contains all the information
FW: Invoice #[数字]-2016-03
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please see attached (scanned document) file for your invoice.
Thank you for your business
FW: Invoice 2016-M#[数字]
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please find attached 2 invoices for processing.
Yours sincerely
Invoice # [数字] /16
Dear Customer,
The reason you are receiving this informational mail is that you have indebted sum of money totaling $[数字] due to late payment of invoices starting October 2015
GreenLand Consulting Unpaid Issue No. [数字]
Dear Client!
For the third time we are reminding you about your unpaid debt.
You used to ask for our advisory services in July 2015, the receipt issued to you was recognized in our database with No. [数字]. But it has never been paid off.
FW: Payment 16-03-#[数字]
Dear  [メールアドレス],
We have received this documents from your bank, please review attached documents
Urgent Notice # [数字]
Dear Customer!
According to our data you owe our company a sum of $[数字]. There are records saying that you have ordered goods in a total amount of $ [数字] in the third quarter of 2015
Debt #[数字] , Customer Case Nr.: [数字]
Dear Customer,
Despite our constant reminders, we would like to note that the mentioned debt #[数字] for $[数字] is still overdue for payment
Blocked Transaction. Case No [数字]
The Automated Clearing House transaction (ID: [数字]), recently initiated from your online banking account, was rejected by the other financial institution
Credit details ID: [数字]
Your credit card has been billed for $[数字]. For the details about this transaction, please see the ID: [数字]-[数字] transaction report attached
Incoming Transaction Declined ID: [数字]
Your Purchase
Sender's Details: [数字]
Amount: USD[数字]
ACH Routing / Transit Number: [数字]
The incoming transaction (ID:[数字]) has been declined by your bank
FW: Payment ACCEPTED M-[数字]
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please check the payment confirmation attached to this email.
FW: Order F-[数字]
Dear [メールアドレス],
Thank you for your order. Your Invoice - F-[数字] - is attached.
FW: Refund RF-[数字]
Dear [メールアドレス],
[社名] has just sent you a full refund of $[数字] for your purchase.
If you have any questions about this refund, please contact [社名]
FW: Payment #[数字]
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please find attached an invoice that is now due for payment
FW: Confirmation #[数字]
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please see attached the confirmation of transaction conducted from your account.
Please sign it and forward the copy to us for approval
FW: Order Status #[数字]
Dear [メールアドレス],
We would like to thank you for your recent order.
Order Status updated on: 21/03/2016
Your Customer ID: [数字]
Your Order ID: [英数字]-M-2016
Invoice Number: [数字]
Your account ID:[数字] has been suspended.
Your bank account associated with the ID:[数字] has been suspended because of the unusual activity connected to this account and a failure of the account holder to pay the taxes on a due date
FW: Statement S#[数字]
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please find attached the statement (S#[数字]) that matches back to your invoices
You are being accused with bodily injury (Case: [数字])
You are being charged with articles 309 to 312 of the Criminal Code. The amounts indicated for committing a crime in this section is ranging from $5,000 to $12,000
Voicemail from 07730881627 <07730881627> 00:00:24
Message From "07730881627" 07730881627
Created: [日付]
Duration: 00:00:24
Account: 9995@123carfinance .hosted .surevoip .com
Unpaid electricity bill - Customer Reference [数字]
Dear Client,
You have an outstanding debt of - [数字] $ for period of 02/01 - 03/01. We kindly ask you to transfer the amount as soon as possible in order to avoid power cut
FW: Order [数字]
Hello [メールアドレス],
Your order [数字] has been despatched.
Please see attachment for details.
FW: Payment Details - [数字]
Dear [メールアドレス],
If there is any reason why payment should not be made or if you are experiencing difficulties
FW: Payment Receipt
Dear [メールアドレス],
Thank you for your payment. It is important that you print this receipt and record the receipt number as proof of your payment
Unsuccessful WU Transfer - Transaction # [数字]
Dear Customer,
You have received a money transfer for the amount of USD [数字] via Western Union system. Unfortunately, we can't process your incoming payment due to the incomplete payment information
FW: Overdue Incoices
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please find attached copy updated statement as your account has 3 overdue incoices
Please see the attached invoice and remit payment according to the terms listed at the bottom of the invoice.
件名 FW:
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please find attached your Remittance Details for the funds that will be deposited to your bank account on [日付]
$[数字] Penalty - ID:[数字]
The payment notice for the penalty ID:[数字] is enclosed hereby
Credit Card Has Been Declined *[数字]
Your credit card has been declined, cancellation notice is enclosed down below
件名 Your Personal Information Has Been Updated
Thank for updating your personal information. Please review your details in the document enclosed hereby
Requested receipt ID:[英数字]
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please find attached your receipt, sent as requested
Delivery Confirmation Receipt - Tracking #[英数字]
Your parcel has been delivered at 3:24 PM. Please, find the confirmation below
Bill N-[英数字]
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please check the bill in attachment.
In order to avoid fine you have to pay in 48 hours
recent bill / FW:
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please see attached file regarding clients recent bill. Should you need further assistances lease feel free to email me
payment confirmation
Dear [メールアドレス],
Many thanks for your card payment. Please find payment confirmation attached below
送信者 Nadia Maria Ochoa
添付 Photos.zip
photo with u / images / selfie
添付ファイル image([数字]).zip / photos([数字]).zip
件名 Documents
Dear [メールアドレス],
We obtained such documents from your bank, please view the attached documents.
Refund for #[数字] - $[数字]
Your refund request has been processed.
Please, find the confirmation attached to this e-mail
Changes in Your Booking Nr:[数字]
There has been some important change in your booking Nr:[数字]. Please review the confirmation below
Unpaid Bill for Car Repair Service [英数字]
We kindly ask you to review our unpaid bill again and send us the payment in order to avoid additional costs
Your package has been successfully delivered. The proof of delivery (TRK:[数字]) is enclosed down below
Your Latest Documents from Angel Springs Ltd [英数字]
Please find attached your latest document (s). You may have noticed that we have changed the way you receive your new attached documents from Angel Springs
Price list
Thank you. Our latest price list is attached. For additional information, please contact your local ITT office
Price list
The March and April invoices are outstanding, please make a payment asap. Thank you
Unpaid Fine - Case No.[数字]
You have received a fine on March 20th, 2016 for the amount of $[数字] and despite our constant reminders it hasnt been paid yet
RE: Outstanding Account
This is a reminder that your account balance of $[数字] was overdue as of [日付] 2016
Insurance - Customer [数字]
Attached you can find the bill for the recent medical services
Second Reminder - Unpaid Invoice
We wrote to you recently reminding you of the outstanding amount of $[数字] for Invoice number #[数字], but it appears to remain unpaid
Hi Prnt
Third Reminder - Outstanding Account
Dear Client,
We have recently sent you a number of letters to remind you that the balance of $[数字] was overdue
1 Unread Message of High Priority
You have 1 new message from the network's administrator
You Are Fired [英数字]
We regret to inform you, yet we no longer need require your services
New Job Offer ($[数字]/day - [英数字])
No skills are required, perfect for housewives, students and young men. Salary: $[数字]/month, offer code:[英数字]
Your New Credit Card Has Been Shipped
A replacement for your credit card has been shipped
Internet Service Fee ([英数字])
Our company has made requested local repairs on your street. You are obligated to pay a fee of $[数字]
Dear Client,
We are writing concerning the amount of $[数字] which was due to be paid on 01.05.2016 and, despite numerous requests for payment, remains outstanding
Hi, [メールアドレス]
Your balance and recent transaction history is attached to this mail. Please verify it
Factura: FN[数字]
Estimado Cliente,
Adjunto a este correo encontrará un nuevo documento de factura
Emailing: _[数字]_[数字] / Emailing: list_[数字].doc / Emailing: DOC_[数字].PDF / Emailing: IMG_[数字] / Emailing: Photo 05-11-2016, [数字] / Emailing: DOC 05-18-2016, [数字] / Emailing: Picture 05-26-2016, [数字] / Emailing: Image 05-26-2016, [数字] / Emailing: photo 05-26-2016, [数字]
Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:
Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled
Attached Image
送信者 scanner@[ドメイン名]
Your Amazon.com order has dispatched (#[数字]-[数字]-[数字]) / Your Amazon.co.uk order has dispatched (#[数字]-[数字]-[数字])
送信者 auto-shipping@amazon.com / auto-shipping[数字]@amazon.com
Dear Customer,
Greetings from Amazon.com,
We are writing to let you know that the following item has been sent using [UPS / DHL Express].
For more information about delivery estimates and any open orders, please visit: http://www.amazon.com/your-account
 Your order #[数字]-[数字]-[数字] (received [月] [日], 2016)
Hi, [メールアドレス]
Please find attached document you requested. The attached file is your account balance and transactions history
Hello, [メールアドレス]
Please find the document file attached to this mail. The attached file contains transfers and invoices history of your bank account
Bill Copy
Please find the attached file of bill copy and send us Form 600
Refund Unsuccessful [英数字]
Your order has been cancelled, however, we are not able to proceed with the refund of $[数字]
Good evening [メールアドレス],
As promised, I have attached the spreadsheet contains last 50 transaction and your account actual balance
hi [メールアドレス],
As I promised, the information you requested is attached
Please find your monthly credit card statement attached to this e-mail
PO # 10 - B F
Attached PO
Thanking you
hi [メールアドレス],
As promised, the document you requested is attached
Re: build assemblies / Re: credit memos / Re: credit card charges / Re: bills / Re: checks / Re: paychecks / Re: deposits / Re: estimates / Re: transfers / Re: general journal entries / Re: item receipts / Re: employees / Re: sales orders / Re: fixed asset / Re: Items / Re: customers / Re: transfers / Re: invoices / Re: receive payments / Re: other names / Re: general journal entries / Re: company / Re: inventory adjustments
hello [メールアドレス],
You may refer to the attached document for details
customers / transfers / other names / vendors / item receipts / inventory adjustments / deposits / receive payments / Chart of Accounts / fixed asset / company / sales receipts / build assemblies / sales orders / purchase orders / credit card charges / item receipts / invoices / Items / general journal entries
hello [メールアドレス]
Attached please find the [件名と同じ] report for your review
FW: employees / FW: paychecks / FW: credit card charges / FW: sales orders / FW: transfers / FW: Chart of Accounts / FW: receive payments / FW: other names / FW: fixed asset / FW: bills / FW: item receipts / FW: inventory adjustments / FW: deposits / FW: Items
Hi [メールアドレス]
The attached spreadsheet contains [ランダム文字列]. Please review
Dear Customer, please be advised of a new incoming transfer, received on May 10th, 2016
hi [メールアドレス]
I have attached a revised spreadsheet contains [文字列]. Please check if it's correct
hi [メールアドレス]
Please refer to the attached document contains [文字列]
Let me know if it's correct
Your .pdf document is attached = .pdf文書を添付しました
Hey [メールアドレス],
I hope you're doing well. I've attached the latest draft of my proposal.
I hope it proves helpful!
Thank you!
Hello [メールアドレス],
Please find enclosed invoice no. [数字]
Thank you for your order
Dear [メールアドレス],
Our records show that the invoice still has not been paid.
Please send your payment promptly
Scanned image
Image data in PDF format has been attached to this email.
Hi [メールアドレス],
I wanted to follow up with you about your refund.
Please find the attached file
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please find attached the requested invoices, for your reference. Please let me know if anything else is required.
Hi [メールアドレス],
Please find attached the file we spoke about yesterday
Hi [メールアドレス],
Please see the report attached I mentioned in my last email 
Last WARNING (REF[英数字])
This is the last warning regarding your debt of -240.89 USD on the case (REF[英数字]).
Re: Reminder
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please find attached document
Friendly reminder
Re: report
hey [メールアドレス],
Please find the edited report.
Thank you,
We Have Received Your Payment - Thank You (#[英数字])
Your payment has been successfully received.
Please, notice that in order to ship your order, we need you to fill out the additional form enclosed down below.
Weekly report = 週報
Hi [メールアドレス],
Please find attached the Weekly report.
Invitation letter = 招待状
Dear Mrs/Mr,
In the attached file you find the requested invitation letter.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me
Dear [メールアドレス],
Please find attached a document containing our responses to the other points which we discussed on Monday 23th May

Dear [メールアドレス],
Please find attached a document containing our responses to the other points which we discussed on Monday 23th May


